
A psychic/medium is an individual who has the ability to perceive or predict information through extrasensory perception (ESP) or supernatural means. Psychics often have the ability to see into the future, communicate with spirits, or gain insight into a person’s thoughts, emotions, or past experiences. Belief in psychic abilities varies greatly among individuals, and some people consult psychics for guidance or entertainment purposes.


The duties of a psychic can vary depending on their specific beliefs, practices, and the services they offer. Here are some common duties or responsibilities that psychics may undertake:

  1. Psychic Readings: Psychics often provide readings to clients seeking insight into various aspects of their lives, such as relationships, career, health, or spirituality. They may use various tools or methods like tarot cards, astrology, palmistry, crystal gazing, or aura readings to gather information and offer guidance.
  2. Intuitive Guidance: Psychics may offer intuitive guidance based on their claimed ability to tap into their clients’ energy or access information from higher realms. They may provide advice, suggestions, or predictions to help clients make decisions or gain clarity.
  3. Mediumship: Some psychics specialize in mediumship, communicate with spirits or the deceased. They may relay messages from loved ones who have passed away, offer closure, or provide comfort to those seeking connections with the spirit world.
  4. Energy Healing: Some psychics incorporate energy healing techniques into their practice. They balance or manipulate the energy within an individual’s body to promote healing, relaxation, or spiritual well-being.
  5. Spiritual Teaching: Psychics may also act as spiritual teachers or mentors, sharing their knowledge, beliefs, and practices with others who are interested in exploring their own spirituality or developing their psychic abilities.

For more on how to open your third eyes and harness your psychic powers contact us on [email protected] or [email protected]

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